
Why is it Important to Segment your Roadmap?

A product manager ideally needs to segment the roadmap into 3 buckets :

  1. Hygiene
  2. Neutralizers
  3. Differentiators

Why is this important?

PMs have a plethora of avenues for gathering feedback and building the product backlog/ roadmap. As the product continues to grow, a large chunk of feedback gathered is typically through customer interaction and through the Sales/ Solutions team and these tend to be in the first 2 buckets listed above as they are born out of comparisons with existing Products/ competition. The pressure to build these can be significant at times. Although it’s important for PMs to capture these inputs and add it as part of the roadmap, one should ensure that this does not form the bulk of the roadmap. Any product needs to differentiate in the long run to be successful and for that one needs to continue to invest in building differentiators.

General rule of thumb – Invest/ allocate around 25-30% of the roadmap purely for segment no. 3. i.e., to innovate and build differentiation.

Amarnath Vannarath
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