Entries by Amarnath Vannarath

The SaaS Customer Acquisition Conundrum

Building a successful SaaS startup and putting it on a growth trajectory involves a great amount of effort and a thorough understanding of the market dynamics. To begin with one would need to build a product and achieve product market fit. Once you have a product market fit, you know there is a target segment […]


How Pricing Strategy Can Make or Break a SaaS Startup?

I’m sure if you have ever been part of a startup, you would understand the importance of managing cash flow at an early stage and how it can make or break your startup. It becomes even more important for a SaaS company which depends on the recurring revenue to sustain itself. Cash is the lifeblood […]


Fundraising for Startups

Fundraising is difficult and that’s me being very polite. How many times have you heard a VC tell you – “Your product is really nice and very useful as well. I love it. I just need to see a bit of traction now to convince myself to invest”? If you are a early stage company […]

Re-thinking your organization structure to maximize customer value

We all have come across customer acquisition funnels and conversions at each stage of the funnel is something most organizations measure to understand how individual teams are functioning. While I was heading customer acquisition at FieldEZ, I was obsessed with conversions across each stage of the acquisition funnel during the initial days. While we tried […]

The Only Growth Hacking Resource List You’ll Ever Need

If you are worried about user acquisition, growth rate, engagement, retention and more, here is something that will cheer you up! List of all the resources you can fall back upon to drive up your growth numbers. Growth Hacking Tools List: Web-Based CRM Software And Contact Management Web Analytics In Real Time A/B Testing Tool […]