Entries by Amarnath Vannarath


Who is Your Fiercest Competition While Creating a New Category?

Category creation is extremely difficult and in any category creation endeavour your most fierce competition are not the other startups who are building similar capabilities, it is non-consumption that is the most worrisome failure mode. The most critical aspect of creating any new category is the ability to cross the Chasm and reach the second […]


Why is it Important to Segment your Roadmap?

A product manager ideally needs to segment the roadmap into 3 buckets : Hygiene Neutralizers Differentiators Why is this important? PMs have a plethora of avenues for gathering feedback and building the product backlog/ roadmap. As the product continues to grow, a large chunk of feedback gathered is typically through customer interaction and through the […]

AI Products

SaaS products built without data and AI offer generalized solutions to their customers. We are in the business of creating AI based business applications and one common theme I have seen across the board is for people to have this notion that AI will solve all their problems instantly. The reality is AI businesses more […]