
Who is Your Fiercest Competition While Creating a New Category?

Category creation is extremely difficult and in any category creation endeavour your most fierce competition are not the other startups who are building similar capabilities, it is non-consumption that is the most worrisome failure mode.…

Why is it Important to Segment your Roadmap?

A product manager ideally needs to segment the roadmap into 3 buckets : HygieneNeutralizersDifferentiators Why is this important? PMs have a plethora of avenues for gathering feedback and building the product backlog/ roadmap.…
Building Products from Scratch - Lean Startup
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Building a Product from an Idea : The Lean Startup Way

We all have ideas. We all have felt the need of having something more to an existing solution or an alternate way of doing something which we often do. Startups and products are born out of this. The good part or maybe the sad part is that there…
AI Products

AI Products

SaaS products built without data and AI offer generalized solutions to their customers. We are in the business of creating AI based business applications and one common theme I have seen across the board is for people to have this notion that…
Customer Engagement
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Customer Engagement – What are the key metrics to track and why?

B2B SaaS is extremely competitive especially for horizontal SaaS products. If you are in the SMB space then that makes it even more challenging for you to survive and then grow. There are a few important metrics the product needs to track assiduously…

Using Data & Analytic Tools to Better Understand Your Users – Measuring the Right Metrics

Products function in an extremely competitive landscape vying for every impression it can get among the millions of potential customers available online. Getting your startup visible or discoverable is one thing, getting them to convert on your…

What Are the Ingredients of a great SaaS Business?

SaaS as a business model has existed long enough and there are compelling value propositions for Organizations to adopt this model as can be seen with the large increase in SaaS products over the last few years. This theme is not specific to…

Understanding Cohort Analysis

Cohort analysis is conceptually pretty simple yet it’s one of the most important and powerful analysis approach a startup can adopt. I had in my earlier post discussed the importance of Lean Methodology for startups to minimize wastage of…

Making your products Viral : Understanding Virality

One of the major challenges for a marketer or an entrepreneur is to get users and grow for an eternity. Paul Graham would tell you that you ain’t doing it right if you are not growing by a minimum of 5-7% Week-on-Week. And there are plenty…